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Our History

Lorem Ipsum

The Village School of Naples began as The Caring Place Preschool in 1985, an outreach of North Naples United Methodist Church that was originally established in 1966. It became The Village School in 2000, starting with K-2 and 37 students. In 2006, the school was accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) and the Florida Kindergarten Council. The school continued to grow with a focus on Christ Skills, Gardner’s philosophy of multiple intelligences and teachers committed to the mission. After three years, parents asked for a middle school to be added and soon after added the middle school one grade a year to complete the eighth grade.

In 2013, the Board of Directors voted to add an upper school division in the fall of 2017. A capital campaign followed, and the new division opened in August, 2017 with 17 students. A new classroom building and gymnasium completed the campus building program. New sports fields were added to include areas necessary to expand the school's athletics program.

The Village School of Naples is also a member of the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and affiliated with the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). TVS has also earned a Platinum level designation from the College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program Honor Roll for 2 consecutive years, one of only two schools in Collier County with this prestigious designation. We also are the recipients, as of October 2024, of the AP Access Award.

In February 2021, the school announced a $3.2-million renovation and expansion of its academic, arts and athletic facilities to accommodate current and future growth. Included in the campus improvements were a near doubling of space in the current two-story Upper School Building along with the creation of the Lauren Tayon Drama Studio, a dedicated black box theater space in the first floor of the Upper School. The latter phase of construction included the addition of an all-new Track and Field with bleachers and stadium lights, along with other related athletic facilities.

In addition to its academic excellence, The Village School is known for its Village Success Center, which includes The Learning Center, QUEST College Success, and the Bridge and Enrichment Programs. This center supports students across the neurodiverse spectrum, providing tailored education and college counseling.

The success of The Village School of Naples today is deeply rooted in the strong foundation established by the congregation of North Naples Church, particularly the dedication of the original congregation. Since its establishment, North Naples Church has been passionate about creating a faith-centered community that not only inspires spiritual growth but also supports educational excellence. The Village School is a vibrant community committed to shaping future leaders, emphasizing not just academic achievement but also the development of empathy, gratitude, and a lifelong love of learning. Today, the school offers PreK3-12th grade education, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and character development in a nurturing Christian environment.