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Knights Booster Club


Village School Athletic Field


roll of the club

The All Sports Booster Club exists to encourage and support The Village School’s interscholastic athletic philosophy and all sport programs at all levels.


The TVS Booster Club shall support, sustain, and augment the Knight Athletic Program and related activities of The Village School and thereby cultivate wholesome school spirit and promote good sportsmanship and excellence in our athletic programs.

It shall not seek to influence or direct the technical activities or policies of the school administration or of the school officials who are charged with responsibility of conducting the athletic program of the school.

The TVS Booster Club shall do nothing which violates the rules of the Florida High School Athletic Association or in any way jeopardizes the membership of the school in the Florida High School Athletic Association.


Membership shall be open to any person who has an interest in supporting and furthering the athletic program at The Village School.


The TVS Booster Club shall assist and participate in the Knight Golf Classic, concession stand, Campus Store, Sports Banquet(s), and other fundraising initiatives throughout the year. 

Meetings shall be held one time per sports season and is open to all current Booster Club members and members of the Knight Coaching Staff.  If necessary, additional meetings may be called.  Subcommittees formed will create their own meeting schedule and notify the necessary Booster Club members.  


The TVS Booster Club shall contribute to the Athletic Department through the profits and function of the concession stand, annual dues, Campus Store sales, Knight Golf Classic, and other fundraising initiatives.  Donations via sponsorships and memberships are partially tax-deductible and will be recognized by the Advancement Departments. Purchases of athletic clothing and accessories will be accounted for through the business office and disbursed in support of the overall athletic programs at the discretion of the Athletic Director and Head of School.

relationship  with coaches

Coaches should encourage their team’s parents to hold a Booster Club membership as well as volunteer.  In the event a Booster Club member asks a coach about athletic needs, it should only be discussed in general terms.  All requests for purchases or support for a team will be directed through the Athletic Director.  The TVS Booster Club will not be involved with coaching aspects of the sport or decisions.

2023-2024 Membership Levels
We encourage all parents and fans of Knight Athletics to hold a TVS Booster Club Membership.  New members will be listed in the Booster Club Newsletter.

Questions? Email: Andrew Miranti