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Village School Parents Association

The Village School Parents Association (VSPA) exists solely to actively support, promote, and strengthen The Village School community. Every parent or guardian of an enrolled student is automatically a member.

2024-25 VSPA Leadership

  • Kelly Mauceri P’31,”31 - Co-Chair and Finance Chair
  • Nicole Vishio P’30,’35 - Co-Chair and Meeting Facilitator
  • Beth Kovach P’26,’28,’36 - Volunteer Coordinator
  • Melissa Merlino P’34,’37 - Fundraising Chair
  • Erica Thompson P’28,’32 - Room Parent Coordinator
  • Katie Evans P’30,’32 - Communications Chair

In fulfilling its mission, the Parent Association should advance, through parent involvement, the stated mission and Christ Skills of The Village School. 

We welcome all TVS families to join our meetings and assist during special events! All VSPA meetings and information are communicated through the “Knightly Newsletter.”

Key goals within our school community:

Promote a sense of community among the student parents and guardians of our school.

Provide a communication link between the parent body and the school (faculty & administration).

Provide the school with support in the classroom through the room parent framework.

Assist in administrative tasks and school activities through volunteer coordination.

Prepare and fund the VSPA budget to support activities and sponsor school events.

Provide enhancements to existing programs within the school.